subset reproduction of ClimateMARGO.jl

⚠️ Disclaimers

  • The assumptions, methodology and limitations of a model should be carefully considered for any purpose you apply it to. I haven’t even listed these here, nor otherwise documented the model fully/clearly. Proceed with caution 🙏

  • Under construction and not yet comprehensively reconciled to ClimateMARGO.jl 🚧


  • show Julia numbers/code
  • causal ordering
  • interaction history (vary dash?)
  • CONTROLS PIECE & Julia rec for MA
  • formulae
climate_formulae = ['drawdown','temperature','CO2_concentration','concentration_factor','temperature_delta','T_fast','T_slow','τd','area','darea','forcing']

    models: [main],
    input_cursors: [{emissions_in, climate_sensitivity_in, ppm_to_GtC_in, κ_in, B_in, Cd_in}],
    mark: {type:'line', strokeWidth:4, point:false},
    encodings: {
      x: {name: 'year_in', type:'quantitative', domain: _.range(2015,2505.1,5), grid:false},
      color: {name: 'formula', type:'nominal', domain: ['emissions','CO2_concentration','forcing','temperature'], legend:false},
      y: {name: 'value', type: 'quantitative', zero: false, independent:true, grid:false},
      row: {name: 'formula', type:'nominal', domain: ['emissions','CO2_concentration','forcing','temperature']},
      column: {name: 'mitigation_in', type:'ordinal',domain:[0,0.01,0.02,0.1,1]}
      //color: {name: 'formula', type:'nominal', domain: climate_formulae, legend: true},
    width: 100, height:50
md`default is 7.5ppm`
viewof emissions_in = Inputs.range([0,20], {value: 7.5*main.ppm_to_GtC({ppm_to_GtC_in})/**//*ucar 10.5 GtC*/, step:0.001, label: 'emissions rate Gt Carbon'})
Physics controls & temperature components
viewof ppm_to_GtC_in =[2.3,2.13], {value: 2.13, label: 'ppmv to GtC'})

viewof climate_sensitivity_in = Inputs.range([0,4], {value:3.45,step:0.01, label:'climate sensitivity'}) // /*forcing sensitivity?*/

viewof κ_in = Inputs.range([0,1], {value:0.73,step:0.01, label:'heat exchange coeff'}) // /*heat exchange coeff*/

viewof B_in = Inputs.range([0,2],{value:1.13,step:0.01, 'label': 'feedback param'}) /*feedback param*/
viewof Cd_in = Inputs.range([0,200],{value:106,step:1, 'label': 'Deep ocean heat capacity'}) //"Deep ocean heat capacity" [J m^-2 K^-1] (from default_configuration.jl)

md`temperature & components:`
    models: [main],
    input_cursors: [{emissions_in, climate_sensitivity_in, ppm_to_GtC_in, κ_in, B_in, Cd_in}],
    mark: {type:'line', strokeWidth:2, point:false},
    encodings: {
      x: {name: 'year_in', type:'quantitative', domain: _.range(2015,2505.1,5), grid:false},
      color: {name: 'formula', type:'nominal', domain: ['temperature', 'T_fast', 'T_slow'], legend:true},
      y: {name: 'value', type: 'quantitative', zero: false, independent:true, grid:false},
      //row: {name: 'formula', type:'nominal', domain: ['temperature', 'T_fast', 'T_slow']},
      //color: {name: 'formula', type:'nominal', domain: climate_formulae, legend: true},
    width: 400, height:100

The temperature change leads to economic damages: (TODO levers)

    models: [main],
    input_cursors: [{emissions_in, climate_sensitivity_in, ppm_to_GtC_in, κ_in, B_in, Cd_in, βtilde_in:0.01,γ_in:0.02,cost_mitigation_pc_E2100_in:2}],
    mark: {type:'line', strokeWidth:4, point:false},
    encodings: {
      x: {name: 'year_in', type:'quantitative', domain: _.range(2015,2210.1,5), grid:false},
      row: {name: 'formula', type:'nominal', domain: ['E','damages','damages_over_E','control_cost_mitigation'], legend:true},
      color: {name: 'formula', type:'nominal', domain: ['E','damages','damages_over_E','control_cost_mitigation'], legend:true},
      y: {name: 'value', type: 'quantitative', zero: false, independent:true, grid:false},
      //row: {name: 'formula', type:'nominal', domain: ['temperature', 'T_fast', 'T_slow']},
      //color: {name: 'formula', type:'nominal', domain: climate_formulae, legend: true},
            column: {name: 'mitigation_in', type:'ordinal',domain:[0,0.01,0.02,0.1,1]}

    width: 100, height:100
md`cost of mitigation (total) ${main.cost_mitigation({γ_in:0.02,cost_mitigation_pc_E2100_in:2, mitigation_in: 0.01})}`

Outcome bleak, but fortunately we have controls.

    models: [main],
    input_cursors: [{emissions_in, ppm_to_GtC_in, κ_in, B_in, Cd_in,climate_sensitivity_in}],
    mark: 'text',
    encodings: {
      x: {name: 'year_in', type:'nominal', domain: [2015,2016,2017,2020,2025,2030,2060,2090,2100,2200,2205]},
      text: {name: 'value', type: 'quantitative', format:',.4f'},
      tooltip: {name: 'value', type: 'quantitative'},
      y: {name: 'formula', type:'nominal', domain: climate_formulae},
      color: {name: 'formula', type:'nominal', domain: climate_formulae, legend: false},
    width: 700, height:200

Rec to Julia ClimateMARGO.jl

# adapted from ClimateMARGO.jl/examples/default_configuration.jl Henri Drake, MIT license
using ClimateMARGO
using ClimateMARGO.Models
using ClimateMARGO.Utils
using ClimateMARGO.Diagnostics

initial_year = 2020.0 # [yr]
final_year = 2200.0 # [yr]
dt = 1.0 # [yr]
t_arr = t(initial_year, final_year, dt);

present_year = initial_year
dom = Domain(dt, initial_year, initial_year, final_year);

c0 = 460.0 # [ppm]
r = 0.5; # [1] fraction of emissions remaining after biosphere and ocean uptake (Solomon 2009)

q0 = 7.5
q0mult = 1.0
#t_peak = 2100.0
#t_zero = 2150.0
q = ramp_emissions(t_arr, q0, q0mult, 2300.0, 2300.0); # DN flat 7.5 forver

q_effective = effective_emissions(r, q, 0.0, 0.0) # No mitigation, no carbon removal
c_baseline = c(c0, q_effective, dt)

# These CO$_{2e}$ concentrations drive an anomalous greenhouse effect, which is represented by the radiative forcing
# ```math
# F_{M,R,G} = a \ln\left(\frac{c_{M,R}(t)}{c_{0}}\right) - G(t)F_{\infty} \, ,
# ```
# where $a$ is an empirically determined coefficient, $G(t)$ represents the effects of geoengineering, and $F_{\infty} = 8.5$ W/m$^2$ is a scaling factor for the effects of geoengineering by Solar Radiation Modification (SRM).

a = (6.9 / 2.0) / log(2.0); # F4xCO2/2 / log(2) [W m^-2]
Finf = 8.5;


F_baseline = F(a, c0, Finf, c_baseline, 0.0)


# Next, we configure MARGO's energy balance model, which is forced by the controlled forcing $F_{M,R,G}$. The two-layer energy balance model can be solved, approximately, as:
# ```math
#     T_{M,R,G}(t) - T_{0} = \frac{F_{M,R,G}(t)}{B + \kappa} + \frac{\kappa}{B} \int_{t_{0}}^{t} \frac{e^{\frac{t'-t}{\tau_{D}}}}{\tau_{D}} \frac{F_{M,R,G}(t')}{B+\kappa} \, \text{d}t' \, ,
# ```
# where $T_{0}$ is the initial temperature change relative to preindustrial, $B$ is the feedback parameter, $\kappa$ is , and the timescale $\tau_{D} = \dfrac{C_{D}}{B} \dfrac{B + \kappa}{\kappa}$ is a more convenient expression for the deep ocean heat capacity $C_{D}$.

# Default parameter values are taken from [Geoffroy et al. 2013]('s physically-based calibration of the two-layer model to CMIP5.

# Two-layer EBM parameters
B = 1.13; # Feedback parameter [J yr^-1 m^-2 K^-1]
Cd = 106.0; # Deep ocean heat capacity [J m^-2 K^-1]
κ = 0.73; # Heat exchange coefficient [J yr^-1 m^2 K^-1]

# Initial condition: present-day temperature, relative to pre-industrial
T0 = 1.1; # [degC] Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (Rohde 2013)

print("τD = ", round(τd(Cd, B, κ), digits=4), " years\n")

# These physical parameters can be used to diagnose the climate sensitivity to a doubling of CO$_{2}$ ($ECS$).

print("ECS = ", round(ECS(a, B), digits=4), "ºC") # B=1 gives 3.45

# Combined, these parameters define the physical model, which is instantiated by the calling the `Physics` constructor method:

Phys = Physics(c0, T0, a, B, Cd, κ, r);

# #### 3. Configuring the simple economic model
# Economic growth in MARGO (in terms of Gross World Product, GWP) is exogenous $E(t) = E_{0} (1 + \gamma)^{(t-t_{0})}$ and is entirely determined by the growth rate $\gamma$. By default, we set $\gamma = 2\%$.

E0 = 100.0 # Gross World Product at t0 [10^12$ yr^-1]
γ = 0.02 # economic growth rate

E_arr = E(t_arr, E0, γ)

using PyPlot

figure(figsize=(4, 2.5))
plot(t_arr, E_arr)
ylabel("GWP [trillion USD]")
xlim([2020, 2200])
ylim([0, 3000]);

# Economic damages $D_{M,R,G,A} = \tilde{\beta}E(t) (\Delta T_{M,R,G})^{2} (1 - A(t))$, expressed as a fraction $\tilde{\beta}(\Delta T_{M,R,G})^{2}$ of the instantaneous Gross World Product, increase quadratically with temperature change relative to preindustrial. They can be decrease by adaptation controls $A(t)$. The default value of the damage parameter $\tilde{\beta}$ corresponds to damages of 2\% of GWP at 3ºC of warming.

βtilde = 0.01; # damages [%GWP / celsius^2]

# The total cost of climate controls is simply the sum of their individual costs, each of which follows a parabolic cost function:
# ```math
#     \mathcal{C}_{M,R,G,A} = \mathcal{C}_{M}M^2 + \mathcal{C}_{R}R^2 +  \mathcal{C}_{G}G^2 + \mathcal{C}_{A}A^2 \, .
# ```

# The calculation of the reference control costs $\mathcal{C}_{M}, \mathcal{C}_{R}, \mathcal{C}_{G}, \mathcal{C}_{A}$ are somewhat more complicated; see our Methods in [the preprint]( and `defaults.jl` for details. Here, we simply provide their default numerical values, where the costs of mitigation $\mathcal{C}_{M} = \tilde{\mathcal{C}}_{M} E(t)$ and geoengineering $\mathcal{C}_{G} = \tilde{\mathcal{C}}_{G} E(t)$ grow with the size of the global economy and are thus specified as a fraction of GWP, while adaptaiton and removal costs are in trillions of USD per year.

ti = findall(x -> x == 2100, t_arr)[1]
mitigate_cost_percentGWP = 0.02
mitigate_cost = mitigate_cost_percentGWP * E_arr[ti] / ppm_to_GtCO2(q[ti]); # [trillion USD / year / GtCO2]

print("\nmitigate cost ", mitigate_cost)

# Costs of negative emissions technologies [US$/tCO2]
costs = Dict(
    "BECCS" => 150.0,
    "DACCS" => 200.0,
    "Forests" => 27.5,
    "Weathering" => 125.0,
    "Biochar" => 70.0,
    "Soils" => 50.0

# Upper-bound potential for sequestration (GtCO2/year)
potentials = Dict(
    "BECCS" => 5.0,
    "DACCS" => 5.0,
    "Forests" => 3.6,
    "Weathering" => 4.0,
    "Biochar" => 2.0,
    "Soils" => 5.0

mean_cost = sum(values(potentials) .* values(costs)) / sum(values(potentials)) # [$ tCO2^-1] weighted average
CDR_potential = sum(values(potentials))
CDR_potential_fraction = CDR_potential / ppm_to_GtCO2(q0)

# Estimate cost from Fuss 2018 (see synthesis Figure 14 and Table 2)
remove_cost = (mean_cost * CDR_potential * 1.e9) / (CDR_potential_fraction^3) * 1.e-12; # [trillion USD / year]

adapt_cost = 0.115; # [%GWP / year] directly from de Bruin, Dellink, and Tol (2009)

geoeng_cost = βtilde * (Finf / B)^2; # [% GWP]

# Climate damages and control costs are discounted at the relatively low rate of $\rho = 2\%$, such that future damages and costs are reduced by a multiplicative discount factor $(1 - \rho)^{(t-t_{0})}$.

ρ = 0.02;

figure(figsize=(4, 2.5))
plot(t_arr, discount(t_arr, ρ, present_year) * 100)
ylabel("discount factor (%)")
xlim([2020, 2200])
ylim([0, 100]);

# These parameters, in addition to a no-policy baseline emissions time-series and present-day control values, define the economic model.

Econ = Economics(
    E0, γ, βtilde, ρ, Finf,
    mitigate_cost, remove_cost, geoeng_cost, adapt_cost,
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, # Initial condition on control deployments at t[1]

# #### A MARGO model configuration is uniquely determined by the parameters defined above

params = ClimateModelParameters(

# ## Instanciating the MARGO climate model

# Along with economic and physical model components, the timeseries for each of the four controls must be specified. By default, we simply set these to zero.

Cont = Controls(
    zeros(size(t_arr)) .+ 0.02, # mitigate
    zeros(size(t_arr)), # remove
    zeros(size(t_arr)), # geoeng
    zeros(size(t_arr))  # adapt

# The above parameters determine the full configuration of the MARGO model, which is instanced using the `ClimateModel` constructor method:

m = ClimateModel(

T(m) # T to rec to

ojs_define(T_m_M=T(m; M=true))
ojs_define(cost_M=cost(m; M=true))
τD = 239.0108 years
ECS = 3.0531ºC
mitigate cost 0.1664682597045291

main.τd({Cd_in, B_in, κ_in})

TODO T_Fast and slow, and ECS


import { calcuvizspec } from "@declann/little-calcu-helpers"
embed = require('vega-embed');

viewof entrypoint =['models/climate-simple/ClimateMA.cul.js'], {label:'entrypoint'})

entrypoint_no_cul_js = entrypoint.slice(0,-7)

main = require(`../../${entrypoint_no_cul_js}.js`);

introspection_fetch = await fetch(`../../${entrypoint_no_cul_js}.introspection.json`)

introspection = introspection_fetch.json({typed:true})

inputs = Object.values(introspection.cul_functions).filter(d => d.reason == 'input definition').map(d =>

formulae = Object.values(introspection.cul_functions).filter(d => d.reason == 'definition').map(d =>

// formulae excluding pure inputs
formulae_not_inputs = Object.values(introspection.cul_functions).filter(d => d.reason == 'definition' && inputs.indexOf('_in') == -1).map(d =>